Designer: Bill Shaw
LOA: 42'2"
Beam: 13'
LWL: 33'8"
Draft: 5'3"
Displacement: 22,000
Ballast: 7630
Bridge Clearance: 52'
Decoding the serial number
PEA is for Pearson.
Model Number
This is the sequential number of the hull in three digits.
Model Year
This is the model year of the boat. It is not necessarily the production year. The model year runs from August of the previous year to July of the year given. I don't know what the M is for.
Build Month
This is the month of the model year the boat was built. It starts with A for August and runs to L for July alphabetically.
A August E December I April B September F January J May C October G February K June D November H March L July